Monday, May 19, 2008

Strange Dream

I have been having very strange dreams lately. This morning, for instance, I remember very clearly receiving an email from a former girlfriend (one that I haven't heard from in years) which said that she just wanted to let me know that some guy in her area was using my blog to teach some type of class. In particular, he was interested in getting the publishing rights to this post (for some odd reason). Just a short little dream, but strange.

I find dreams fascinating. Most often, though, images from a dream are fleeting in the first few moments after I awake. But from time to time there will be a run of a few days in which I remember dreams quite vividly. I'm in one of those right now. The other day I dreamed that Katie & I were walking on a big bridge in Toronto when suddenly there was a giant flood and we barely made if off the bridge before it collapsed.

My theory on dreams is that they are our minds recycling system. All the clutter from the thoughts we've had throughout the day (those thoughts that didn't get adequately processed) flood the mind at night for recycling. Dreams don't often make much sense b/c thoughts on various subjects are combined together. For instance, the earthquake (and possibility of flooding) in China has me worried about my friends in Da Qiao. Da Qiao is chinese for 'Big Bridge.' Since I am thousands of miles from being able to physically help my friends there, my mind could not process my concern. And so I ended up on a 'big bridge' with Katie. Why Toronto? I'm guessing b/c I've been thinking about taking a Megabus trip to Toronto sometime this year.

Should dreams get interpreted? Only if they are from God (and I think that's pretty rare). I don't think they are symbolic in the sense of having a greater meaning that we should discern. I think they might include symbols (the big bridge represented Da Qiao, the flood represented the natural disaster in China, etc), but only by accident (in a sense). You shouldn't interpret the contents of someone's garbage can, but you can, at least, learn about what kinds of things they couldn't put to use.

1 comment:

Jecca said...

sometimes i dream something and then it actually happens in real life. the space of time between the two varies but has been a few days, weeks, months, and years.