Saturday, May 10, 2008

The Office

NBC's 'The Office' is struggling, in my opinion, to overcome the fact that Jim & Pam are now together. It seems to me that one of the most important aspects of a TV show is the unresolved romantic tension. Waiting for an inevitable engagement isn't really tension. Because of this, a few of this season's episodes have been below par compared to the normal brilliance. One of the most difficult decisions of a TV Show producer is when/if to resolve the tension. It's a catch 22. If you wait too long, the fans get frustrated (Gilmore Girls). If you deliver too quickly, the show loses its edge (The Office?). One show that seemed to make the decision well was 'Frasier' where Niles & Daphne hooked up toward the end of the series. It'll be very interesting to see if the makers of The Office find a way to bring some tension back into the Jim/Pam storyline. It's possible they will do this in next weeks season finale by having a career change for either Jim or Pam.


Robin said...

The problem is not that Jim and Pam are now together. The problem is that they made the show center around them in the first place. It's such a sit com cliche, and the Office just seems better than that. Why can't funny shows just be funny and forget all the drama?

PS - I have a new photoblog:

I'll still be updating my JapanLog but I'd appreciate you adding the new one to the list. If photoblogs fit your criteria.

Jecca said...

it's struggling for me too, though i wouldn't agree about JAM. i love that they're together, can't wait for the proposal, etc. i appreciate that dwight is more like himself these days but i want him to be with angela again.

and toby's leaving the show.

and ryan is in and out of my liking. but i really am starting to enjoy andy.

As for Frasier, one of the more brilliant story lines. I love watching the re-runs.