Sunday, December 30, 2007

Knew Awards 07

Favorite TV Show

The past 2 years have been close calls. 'Lost' won in 2005. 'Seinfeld' re-runs won in 2006. But in 2007, we have a landslide winner. The award for my favorite TV show of the year goes to 'The Office.' Countless hours were spent watching and re-watching this show.

Favorite Artist

I evaluate my 'favorite' artist simply by deciding which singer/group I listened to the most in 2007. Despite a somewhat tight race with Derek Webb, the winner of award for favorite artist goes to Weird Al. I made 2 CD's of my favorite Weird Al songs and listened to them very consistently throughout the year.

Most Influential Person

For the 3rd consecutive year, I give this award to Steve Gregg of I just resonate with his style and am edified by his teaching and testimony. Check him out. Plans are in the works, actually, to bring Steve Gregg to Hess Road Wesleyan Church.

Best Politician

In 2006 I pretty much stayed out of politics, but this year I got back into it to some degree. I've always liked Blair & Harper, but I recently found a candidate from my own country that I really like a lot. The award for politician of the year goes to Ron Paul.

Best BBC Blogger

To be declared tomorrow along with December Blogger Awards

* I couldn't award a best movie, author, book, team, etc b/c the competition was too spread out with no clear winner presenting itself.

Click HERE for 2005's Knew Awards
Click HERE for 2006's Knew Awards

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