Tuesday, March 27, 2007

I Murder Frogs

I am a murderer. I murder frogs. I don't mean to. I don't want to. But, at times, it's unavoidable. I don't know if it's like this across the continent, but in my town frogs love hopping across roads. If it's a rainy day, I'll see anywhere from 10-100 kamikaze frogs on my 12 minute drive home from church. Needless to say, I can't dodge them all. I feel bad.

I deserve the guilty feelings. To be honest, I have a history of torturing frogs. I remember many years ago, during Houghton Family Camp, playing a game involving frogs. The challenge was to catch a frog, run up to the top floor of the dorm, throw the frog out the window, and then run down the stairs fast enough to catch it again for Round 2. I feel really bad.

I'm sorry about my past. I don't remember if I ever dissected a frog in school, but if I did I'm sorry about that too. Truth be told, I like frogs. I used to have a thick picture book filled with tons of animals. My favorite pages were the frog pages. I especially appreciated one frog that looked just like a big juicy burger. Hmmm. I feel really really bad.


Maria Purviance said...

i can not be the first to judge you, murderer...for i once caused a baby deer to commit suicide. yes, it's true. what the baby deer was doing out on the highway right before evening rush hour..i do not know...but he was there...and was in front of my car...i slowed...and followed the frightened little guy for about half a minute...then i thought it to be wise to blow my horn..to speed him along..well, that only terrified the poor thing...who at that very moment..thought it better to jump off the side of the bridge...in which there was nothing below but a railroad track....and it was a ways down. i was horrified...and i still have not gotten over it. i go to therapy now.

Dena said...

Don't feel bad about running them over. Elliott's mom ran over and killed a bunny on Easter morning when he was young. She killed the Easter Bunny! So, killing frogs really isn't that bad. Unless, of course, you are killing them on "National Frog Worship Day". That would be bad.

Anonymous said...

You REALLY need a vacation.


Jecca said...

I'm so disappointed Matthew. Frogs are one of my favorite creatures. Throwing them out windows??? Holy cow. You SHOULD feel guilty.

matthew said...

wow, maria & dena those were some sad stories. It's good to know there are people suffering from the same sorts of guilt so we can share this burden together.

Jessica, to make matters worse, I think i'm the one who created the game :(

Michelle...AMEN! :)

Kirk said...

Hmmm how have I mistreated frogs the worst. Have you seen those battery operated bug zapper that look like tennis rackets? Apparently it takes a long time to fry a frog on one of those. 1 minute and 12 seconds to be exact.

Jecca said...

Oh, this whole topic is tragic. And yes, matters are definitely worse knowing you created the game, Matthew. Hm.

Bryan said...

wow frogs are.... well frogs. i mean i too have strapped a frog to a model rocket or two in my day

matthew said...

haha, wow, between kirk and bryan, i am feeling much better, thanks!