Thursday, March 29, 2007

#2 The Name Game

Blog Commandment #2
Thou Shalt Win the Name Game
A great name can bring fame to your blog. Can your blog survive without an awesome title? Sure. Can it thrive? Not likely. One's actual name (ie. Matthew Rose) can take most of us only so far. A famous person (like Will Wheaton and Michelle Malkin) can get away with naming their blog after their name, but you and I can't. Instead, we must come up with a great title.

So what does a great blog title look like? Wrong question. The right question is, "what does a great blog title do?" And the answer is, a great blog title CATCHES and CONVEYS. It catches the attention of your reader and conveys the purpose of your blog. Take my title as an example. Toward the former, it utilizes alliteration, rhyme & a play on words to catch your attention. Toward the latter, it conveys the reality that (because of my introverted personality) most of my readers were never able to get to know the real Matthew until my blog came around.

Here are the top 3 BBC blog titles:
Kayla's "Momologue" Good play on words, accurately describes her site
"Sarah's Zona" Very memorable and highly personalized
Liz's "A Bowl of Stew(art)" Whoever thought of that is genius

Have you thought through your blog's title?


Jecca said...

I definitely love Liz's blog title. You're right. :)

Owen said...

I appreciate Josk McCraken's (insert clever title here) title, it made me laugh. I also really like Nate and Jess Weaver's as well.

I really struggled with trying to name my blog. At one point it was called The Center of the Universe, but then I thought people wouldn't get the joke and changed it to Lindy's Blog. I can't think of anything clever that isn't obviously trying to hard. I figured boring was better than pathetic.

If anyone has suggestions (yes I thought about Campbell's soup) let me know.

Kirk said...

My current title Life on the Rock a habhaters tale of course has two meanings. I thought it was a good title but after thinking about that for 9 seconds I think a better title might have been: Hab fans like to throw rocks at children and I have a news clipping to prove it. Hmmmm I do like it. It has a nice ring to it.

Elliott Innes said...

Thanks to this I chamged my blogs name back to Gone Global. Which just has a good rythim to it.

matthew said...

yeah, i like the gone global title. very fitting and easy to remember. i just checked your blog and it looks like i have some reading to do! lata