Monday, November 06, 2006

Local Elections

Tomorrow is voting day. Times have really changed. I imagine that in the not so distant past, most 'little' towns came out and voted for guys they had known throughout their lives. They knew their character and their politics. But now we live in a society where you don't have to leave your living room to buy groceries. We live in a culture where people are more likely to relate with like-minded people on the internet than potentially disagreeable people next door.

So how does one decide who to vote for in local elections? Party-line? Try your hardest to figure out who's who? The guy with the most signs? Whoever knocked on the door? I really don't know. I try a little bit of everything. I tend to vote republican, especially if the candidate has sent me some mail describing his position and/or stopped at my house to talk. I also pay close attention to the nature of their media ads. Are they mostly negative (about the other person) or positive (about their own plan). That's the best I care to do.


Jecca said...

Maybe I am new to the whole election thing, but representatives have called my house 4 times in the last 24 hours to get my vote! I think that's pretty rude. I even had to listen to Hillary Clinton on my answering machine...oh my land. How insane.

matthew said...

Did Hillary call you personally or was it a recording? haha. I hate phone calls in general, but I don't mind, at all, when a candidate stops to chat at our house

Jecca said...

It was a recording. :) You hate phone calls? I love when my phone rings. lol

matthew said...

yeah, i almost always dislike phones. growing up in a family of 7, with 3 sisters, a call was hardly ever for me anyways. it was just an annoying ring that interupted everything.

i also dislike phones philosophically. I don't really like the idea of a family conversation being at the mercy of an outside ring.

the only times i've ever been willing to put up with phone calls is when i was courting/dating a girl or something. in that scenario, i've talked on the phone for hours before. but in general i still hate em :)