Sunday, November 05, 2006

Why 94?

Heather commented on the previous post by asking what the deal was with the number 94 on my blog. Instead of just telling everybody, I'll let people guess. Below you'll find 9 theories, only 1 is correct.

1) I was 94 years old when I started this blog
2) I was the world's first blogger in 1994
3) I graduated from middle school in 94'
4) Matthew 1-93 were taken
5) I was saved in 1994
6) The only reached '94 bottles of beer on the wall'
7) I was born on September 4th
8) My favorite nascar Driver was #94
9) It was blogger's 1st suggestion besides 'matthew'


Anonymous said...

You were saved in 1994 is my guess... am I close??

matthew said...

I don't really know when I was saved. I know it was in Mrs. Branch's Sunday School class. I was probably like 8 or 9. I remember the moment, but not the year.

Kirk said...

I'm going to say you've got 94 problems but a glitch ain't one.

Robin said...

I'm going with the last one.

matthew said...

the correct answer has yet to be guessed

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I dont think it is any of those Matthew...r u playing fair?

matthew said...

I am playing fair. it is 1 of those for sure. but still no one is right

Anonymous said...

HAHA I googled nascar #94 Bill Elliot was Matthew's favorite driver HENCE it is NUMBER 8

matthew said...

Charity is the winner!!!

3rd guess was the charm, haha

matthew said...

and now the full story...

the first nascar race i ever watched, i picked Bill's #94 mcdonalds car to be my favorite driver. He ended up winning the race. Over the following few weeks, I kept hearing the #94 in various contexts and so I decided to make it my favorite number. I still hear the #94 a ton, it seems, but I assume I am just more responsive to that number than any other.

Heather Durkee said...

Thank You. Now I can go to sleep at night.