Saturday, May 13, 2006

Social Issues

I don't do Potlucks well. My voice blends in with background noise. I can't be heard. So I am not talkative. I get bored. How slow can one eat? Before and after eating, I stand around. I say hi to people and have brief conversations about nothingness.

I used to be quiet because I was shy, nervous and afraid of people. Now I'm quiet without those 3 attributes. 1 on 1 I can be extremely talkative. When given the floor, I have no problem at all speaking or singing in front of hundreds (or even thousands, as I learned a week and a half ago). But put me in a group of chatting people with no structure and I'm quiet as a mouse.

I have no point to make. Just a statement of facts.


Anonymous said...

You get that from your momma ;-) As I always say, God gave us 2 ears and only one mouth for a reason. I also like the "Do I need to say or know this information?" way of conversing. Keeps you out of trouble!

Sarah Gomez said...

i'm the same way.