Saturday, November 19, 2005

Walk the Line

I really enjoyed the biopic 'Walk the Line'. I've always been interested in Johnny Cash, but not enough to read about him! This movie was the perfect opportunity to learn in a lazy manner.

This movie was so much like 'Ray' that it was almost scary. If it were fiction I'd hold that against the newer 'Walk the Line' but since they are both biopics that hardly seems fair. Both lives contained serious tragedy, drug-use, failure, and ultimate success. But I liked this film quite a bit better than Ray because the redemption seemed more authentic and complete. Some real good quotes in there too, including:

Record Company Executive: Your fans are gospel folk, Johnny. They're Christians, and they don't wanna hear you singing to a bunch of murderers and rapists, tryin' to cheer 'em up.
Johnny Cash: Then they ain't Christians.

Rating: 8.4
Status: Must Own

1 comment:

Terry said...

I loved this movie. I read Johnny Cash's auto biogaraphy. It was great and recommend it to any Johnny Cash fan or any person that's interested in him.