Friday, October 21, 2005


The early church impacted the entertainment industry. They considered the Coliseum Games and Gladitorial Contests immoral. A monk named Telamachus, for example, was so appalled by them that he actually walked in the 'playing area' to break up the fight. The crowd wasn't impressed by his peacemaking nature. They stoned him to death.* Emperor Constantine, however, was so moved by the passion of Telemachus that he put an end to the games by law.

Do you think there are forms of 'entertainment' in our culture that are appalling? Are you appalled by them? Are you willing to put yourself at risk to point out their appalling nature? Am I?

*The version of the story that includes Telemachus being killed by the gladiators and the crowd leaving in shame (never to return to the games), doesn't seem to be true. The actual account of the event can be found HERE

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