Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Why We Still Disagree

John 16:13 tells us that the Holy Spirit will guide us into all truth.....but Christians still have so many doctrinal disagreements. Why? Below are some reasons I've come across and/or brainstormed:

1. Some people just don't remain teachable
2. Denominational loyalty can surpass loyalty to the text
3. Addiction to certainty excludes thoughtful consideration
4. Some only defend beliefs, they never question them
5. Sometimes it really is just semantics
6. Maybe it's not a different belief, it's a different emphasis
7. Beliefs look different at different stages of understanding
8. Some lack hermeneutical skills
9. Some lack historical knowledge
10. Pride interprets passages toward self
11. Loyalty to theological systems and labels
12. Some allow the world to influence their interpretations

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