Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Internal Clock

Maybe I've mentioned this before, but I seem to have an incredible internal clock.

I don't normally wear a watch, so when I teach on Wednesday or Sunday night I just aim to be done at the top of the hour. I am within 2 minutes 99% of the time. It's amazing. Sunday's are particularly incredible because I teach for the whole hour, but finish at 7pm on the dot quite often.

And today I was dozing off as I waited for the evening festivities to commence and I wondered to myself (with my eyes closed) what time it was and made a guess of 4:41 and then opened my eyes and looked at the bottom right of my screen to see I had guessed perfectly.


Katie said...

Hmmm.. does this have anything to do with me having to watch the clock today to make sure I wasn't late???

matthew said...

I wasn't worried...of course I was a little to busy making a mess to check my internal clock anyways.

Anonymous said...

You always did scare me a bit...

Robin said...

Matt, you should BE MY clock. You could just follow me around and make sure I get stuff done in time. Yeah... or maybe I should just become more organized and start wearing a watch again. Naw...

Mommy of Four said...

I envy you. Since becoming a mom, I have had to learn to get over my incredible analness about always needing to be on time, if not early. It's taken me almost 9 months to figure out, but I now realize that, once you have kids, there's no point in even having a clock arouond. I don't even get to use my alarm clock anymore...Jadon IS my alarm clock. And when I rest for a moment, and I make a guess at what time it is, I am usually horrified to find that I am at least an hour off, and incredibly late for some sort of event or doctor's appointment, or something that requires that I am there within at least 15 minutes of the scheduled time. Maybe I should give you my schedule and have you call me 1 hour before each scheduled event, so I have at least a CHANCE of being somewhere close to being on time....

matthew said...

Haha...well thanks for the offers guys, but I hate phone's too much to use my internal clock in service to others :)

BUT..if anyone else with a good internal clock is reading seems there is money to be made in this field.

I also find it odd that last night right after I was blogged this Kramer on Seinfeld was talking about his internal clock.