Thursday, April 28, 2005

The Questions Kids Ask

One of the open doors to ministry during the China trip was a simple question/answer time I used to start each class. I would have them all write a question for me in English and then asked volunteers to stand and ask their question out-loud.

Some of their questions are worded so poorly it's hard not to laugh. Other questions are meant to be funny like 'Do you have a girlfriend?' Still others are extremely difficult to when I say, 'No, I don't have a girlfriend' and they ask 'Why not?'

But the best questions are the one's that open a door to share Christianity with these students. One boy asked, 'Do you have beliefs and if so, what are they?' A young girl asked, in a round-about way, 'Is my life meaningless if I don't make it to college?'

I could sense the Spirit as I answered those questions from a Christian perspective that many of those students had never heard before.

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