Monday, November 29, 2004

Series of Unfortunate Events

I recently saw an advertisement for Jim Carrey's latest flic, A Series of Unfortunate Events. Doesn't look like something I want to see, did get me to thinking:

I have decided, upon careful consideration, to do a 'series' of posts about my history with girls (note that I did not say 'my love life' since some of these were mere crushes, others were extremely immature forms of love).

However (I'm not allowed to start a paragraph with 'however' I bet...oh well), to protect those females who may not wish their names to be blogged about, I have made an executive decision to describe each of these relationships using symbolism. Names will be changed. Traits will be exaggerated. Circumstances will be twisted.

All this will protect the innocent, but it will also (hopefully) make each story more interestesting to blog readers as well.

Part 1 coming soon


Anonymous said...

it's a great movie, believe it or not.

matthew said...

I may see it someday