Saturday, January 31, 2009

My President

This President isn't like other Presidents, for obvious reasons (to start with, he's not even white!). Originally there was something in me that just didn't like him, or his message. Plus, it wasn't like he came with a long resume of experience in world politics. But if you really take a good look at him, it's hard to argue with some of his major decisions so far. I mean, instead of going at foreign policy problems with threats of more war and violence, he's actually talking to the enemy. We can't blame him for the corruption, since he inherited it from his predecessors. And yes, there was that issue not too long ago about his "Wife," but that was just a media creation. I'm not sure why so many supposedly 'religious' people are against his emphasis on the poor (isn't that, after all, pure religion?), but I'm all for it. It's going to take time for this nation to mature and work through some of its issues, but I truly believe he's the man for the job.


Robin said...

Well said. Political differences aside, I hope the American people (especially Christians) will give the guy a fair shot before they judge him.

CoadyTNP said...

Right on, Matt.

Aaron Perry said...

Yeah, I still don't like some things about that other guy's message, but I think we're in the same--called together?--group here.