Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Bad Bloggers

The Following blogs will be deleted in 24 hours
This is due to Postlessness
This can be avoided only by posting


Kelly said...

It feels like you're the blogging principal, and you're calling people into your office.

theajthomas said...

I say give them the old heave ho - I wouldn't give anyone more than three months unless they were having some major life crisis.

Katie said...

Maybe they are intimidated because some of you are such good bloggers.. they don't know what to say and are afraid of failure, so they don't post.

Then again, maybe they are rebelling against Matthew and his "rules"

Or they've switched to myspace or facebook.

Unknown said...

Phew....looks like I returned to blogging just in time....

matthew said...

I got called into the principals office once. It was b/c I was late for school like 20 times (I hate mornings). I just told him the truth, that i had trouble getting to sleep at night. He said, "I do too"

And that was the end of my visit to the principal.

Dena said...

I was always in trouble in grade school. I constantly had to sit in the hall cuz I was talking, and this often resulted in a trip to the principal. Once, in fifth grade I got in big trouble and spent three afternoons in a row in a 'special' detention in the principal's office. I started behaving by jr. high.

Sarah said...

While we're on the topic of principal's, I grew up the daughter of an elementary school principal, but my dad worked at a different school than the one I attended. I was never sent to the office for being bad or anything. I have to admit - I was a brown noser.

I hope I don't get punished for such a comment Mr. Blog Principal.

Sarah said...

Is my nose turning brown?

matthew said...

There is no punishment coming your way. Us principals are grateful for good students/bloggers like you! In fact, I'm sending a note home with you...

Sarah is a delight to have in our blogging community. Gold stars for Sarah!