For Aaron H's bullet form highlights of our trip, click
HERE. But now it's time to get back to what we're really all here for: The Gilmore Girls Tournament. They've been on a break for a while, but tonight is an all new episode. We are down to 9 contestants. We'll eliminate 2 (that's right, 2 at a time now) in the next 24 hours. Remember to vote
FOR 1 character and
AGAINST one character.
For Jackson
Against Jess
I am voting for Jackson but I'm pretty sure Paris will win this round
For Jackson
Against Paris
For Jess
Against Jackson
He's just sooooo annoying
For Paris
Against Jackson
I loved Paris' thing about using different kinds of milk last night.
For Jackson
Against Jess
By the way I think it's funny you used a picture of Milo (Jess) from Heroes, not Gilmore. Nice little cheat there, Matt.
so far...
Jackson 1
Paris 0
Jess -1
For Jess
Against Paris.
for jess
against paris
Ok Here's the situation. We have a foreigner (paris) Rocky Balboa's son (Jess) and a decendant of the greatest pop star in history (Jackson) So I ask myself which of these three deserves my love and vote. Ina fight Rocky could beat Michael but Michael is a better dancer. Paris is the city of love so could love win in the end. the answer to this question is obviously no. I have it from a very good source that Love Bites and Love Bleeds. So does Rocky and I think a lot more so Paris is eliminated. Michael's glove is much more fashionable than Rocky's ever were so I have to give the ultimate nod to Michael. Therefore:
Michael - Yes
City of Love - NO
I am struggling with how Christians who believe, or even preach, that adultery, divorce, lying, using the Lord's name in vain, lust (and so on and so forth) are sinful, can get such enjoyment over watching them on t.v. Yes, I understand that these situations are not real and were created for entertainment purposes. I guess I just have a hard time understanding why Christians would want that as entertainment.
Anonymous (if that's really your name), I am a bit confused by your comment. Watching a show does not imply that you are entertained by all elements of the show. Your statement is close to saying that you don't understand how a christian could live in the world since there are sins going on all the time. A TV show without real life situations would be stupid. Watching a show doesn't imply that one agrees with the actions of the characters. Am I to assume, from your comment, that you've never read the Bible? There are plenty of sins in there. Am I to assume that you've never watched tv, listened to the radio, gone outside, etc? Sin abounds. I hope for the characters on any tv show that I watch to do the right thing, just like I hope I and my friends do the right thing.
jackson 2
jess 1
paris -3
this is a very surprising result considering Paris had the most total votes going into this round
that's a really commendable defense, Matthew. excellent insight.
When people write anonymously on my blog I either delete the comment or edit it to make it sound funny.
I am really shocked and disappointed, Pastor Matt, that you would compare the Word of God to a t.v. show.
obviously i didn't compare a tv show to the Bible. I listed various things that contain wickedness to prove my point that just b/c something has wickedness in it doesn't mean it should necessarily be avoided. I am surprised that you took the time to respond and yet didn't take the time to think through the statement itself.
Also, I welcome all commenters, but it is surprising that you would be so bold in your judgments and yet too shy to share your identity. I am also suprised, given your own said standard, that you would even visit my blog, which is meant for 'entertainment' yet contains info on this so called wickedness :)
I wonder what God might think about the act of making moralistic, self-righteous, purposely shaming, judgements-- in public--- to a fellow member of the Body of Christ ANONYMOUSLY?????? How does that help to bring community and unity within the Body? How can you truly challenge someone if they cannot converse with you in dialogue back?? Hmmm, seems a bit counter-productive to me. There is nothing wrong with healthy criticism, but at least be man or woman enough to own what you say with your true identity. I don't think Jesus condones passive-aggression.
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