Thursday, January 04, 2007

"In Favor with God"

From Abel to Noah to Moses to Mary, certain men and women of history have found the favor of God. Was it because they were Israelites? No, Israelites didn't even exist in the physical sense at the times of Abel & Noah. The Apostle Peter came to discover that God does not favor people based on name or nationality. Instead, the favor of God is found by those who fear Him and do what is right. In his 1st 30 years on earth, Jesus grew in favor with God by doing those very things. How can I follow his lead in 2007?

Much has been made of the downfalls of the 'fire and brimstone' preaching of previous decades. But while contemporary witnesses were busy trying to eliminate the phrase "you're going to hell" from the list of evangelistic 'ice-breakers,' it seems, somehow, the concept of fearing the Lord went by the wayside. It's one thing to downplay fear of eternal flames as a motive toward salvation, but it's a completely other thing to neglect the fact the Jesus, besides being Savior, is our Lord, King, Master, Owner & Judge. In other words, I (and anyone) can become one of Lord's favored one's simply by remembering and living out a balanced view of who He is.

The other way to become one of God's favorites is to do what is right. I suggest that for about 30 years Jesus found the favor of his heavenly father by doing what is right in all the 'little' areas. He submitted to his earthly parents. He worked hard. He was a good friend. He was a devout Jew. Etc. If I want to find the favor of God this year, and I do, I think I'll find it by being consistenly loving in the little things. For me, that includes a passionate commitment to nursing home ministry, more giving to the needy, more investment in the lives of those around me, and hard-work in preparation for teaching.

Ultimately, I don't think we find the favor of God by desiring to be greatest in the kingdom. I think we find the favor of God by making ourselves awful (as in, full of awe) and obedient servants. And the last shall be first.


Robin said...

This is a good series. Would make some good sermon material. More than that of course, you're right that those are some good areas for focus on in trying to become more like Christ. I could sure use some wisdom myself this year.

Missy said...

I agree with Robin. My life could use some of this wisdom too. Sometimes I'm so determined to make God happy that I look for the biggest things I can do, forgetting that it is the small things that change who I am and who it is that God sees.