Thursday, September 14, 2006

Pastoral Courting

Pastors are usually nice. In fact, pastors that aren't nice are usually fired. So, in a sense, pastors are paid to be nice. But once niceness goes beyond a certain degree, it should be interpreted as something different than niceness all-together. Otherwise, it would be impossible for a single pastor (like myself) to court anyone that knows they are a pastor. After all, I'm not THAT nice. So if you are a single girl, and you think the single guy that is your pastor is really really extra* nice, perhaps he's only the regular kind of nice. You know?

*If, however, he is extra nice to multiple girls, it might just be his regular level of niceness**
** Or, you could be in a polygamist denomination


Jecca said...

You're right about how in the world would the poor girl know the difference if you didn't explicitly say you were interested in her?

Anonymous said...

haha. does she read this blog matt?

matthew said...


I think girls should be better interpreters of extreme niceness


Probably not, but it's no big deal if she does. My blog will remain un-censored!

matthew said...

also, this was more of a general principle than a current crisis. I'm fairly explicit sometimes.

Jecca said...

Sorry my response is says only one comment on your main page for this topic so I thought my question went unanswered...

Better interpreters? Ha! Men say they can't read our minds...why should we be expected to read theirs [even if we can :) ]?

matthew said...

I think extreme niceness can be explicit communication. the girl should then find some other not verbally-explicit way to give the guy the green light toward verbally-explicit communication.

In other words, I admit i'm a wimp.

Jecca said...

Ah, I see. Well at least you've admitted the problem. :)

Anonymous said...

Maybe you need to stop trying so hard and just let it happen. You know you find something once you stop looking for it. And trust me I feel your pain.