Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Not Quite Blogworthy

I have a short list of things that aren't really worth blogging about, but only barely. So I'm going to combine them all into one post!

McDonalds food, which I usually avoid, should always be avoided *** A political campaign put 2 signs in front of our church, didn't even ask *** I promptly took them down, also without asking *** I'm currently teaching thru Luke, Titus & the Life of Solomon *** Tonight I sat by the lake in the rain for about an hour *** I'm more excited about upcoming hockey than current football *** I won week 1 of my family football pool *** I just got the best possible score (20) on the mini-golf game I posted about last week, now I can stop playing it


Anonymous said...

Alright before I begin this blog entry let me ask you this one question. Why are you writing blogs to begin with? Most people write meaningful things on their blogs. You my friend write about nothing. So then why I am fascinated with your blog?
Simple, I'm going to try and help you write about meaningful things. Not random things about McDonalds, Football scores (which are way off)! etc.
Now you have a choice you can one take the anonymous choice off which I'll then be forced to leave comments under my own blog name. Or two you could keep this as a reminder and remember to write about something important. Otherwise I'll be forced to shut down your blog!
Have a great day

Jo said...

hey anonymous,

i think mr. rose sometimes has more mundane posts because he has committed to posting EVERY DAY which is unlike the rest of blogdom, and is kinda reliably pleasant, even if it is nonsense. at least he is consistent, and gives us something new on the screen while we surf through his links.

Anonymous said...

If it is sooo mindless but yet u enjoy it... FIND SOMETHING PRODUCTIVE TO DO... and do you think u are god... that you can randomly shut down people's blogs... and why do you even want to shut down if you enjoy it.... you make no sense... and if you hate that much then DON'T READ IT... I as well as many other people throughly enjoy this blog... hence put aside ur selfish thoughts and go for a long walk off a short pier!

matthew said...

this is fun! I can't wait for you to give me my first exciting topic. Don't leave me in suspense :)

As for why I write about nothing a few times each week, perhaps it's b/c Seinfeld is my favorite show

Ok, tell me what to blog about for Thursday now

Aaron Perry said...

anonymous should take a hike.

matt: way to take down those signs!

matthew said...

actually, i think it would be fun to do a series called 'anonymous requests' in which i blog about whatever anonymous wants me to blog about. it'll start as soon as anonymous requests something

Jecca said...

You sat by the lake in the rain for an hour...I can relate and wish I was there too. There's just something about the water...

And, I agree most with Jo, that I love being able to read your blog just about every day and have it be about nothing in particular. I think blogging can be somewhat intimidating considering that most people would write something terribly important and meaningful, which is why I don't usually blog, but write in a live journal, even though I prefer the format of the blog more.

Anyway, off to bed!