Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Batman & Catchick

It wasn't long before Charlie realized that his office had no exterior walls. He peered through his 1 window into 1 large room. Was 1 room enough or did Charlie need to see the world? Years passed before Charlie chose the latter option. By this time he had saved up billions of dollars. He used some of his money to buy a ticket to the other side of the world. Perhaps this would be the truly golden ticket. The other side of the world used an other language. Charlie was given a new name, Bian Fu Xia, which translated to "Bat-man". After some initial successes, however, Charlie returned home to his lone window.

Having been Batman reminded Charlie of what it was like to have a secret. He remembered a wonderful secret he'd had back when his 'Betty Ross' mutation was wearing off (but before she/he became a Stepford Boyfriend). Fortunately, it was the kind of secret that was just outside his office window. Unfortunately, he was paralyzed by circumstances. Charlie had no idea how much of a chance he had with this girl (who we'll call, ummm, Cat Chick). Or when he will find out either way.

So Bat-man waited for Cat-chick. He waited for circumstances to change outside his window. His paralysis didn't stop him from thinking through the ceiling to the heavens. He dreamed of Cat-Chick and the sky. But alas, one cannot wait for ever and some things just will never change.

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