Saturday, June 17, 2006

99 100

There are currently 99 people on the BBC blogroll (although I guess I should take off 2 or 3 that have been deleted). So who should be #100? If you are a former bbc'er or know a blogging bbc alumnist that you'd like to see on my list, let me know. I know of a few myspaces that I could add, but I wanted to give someone a chance to be #100 because there's probably a big prize involved or something.


Anonymous said...

Here are two you should add: Elizabeth Rhyno
Natasha Erskine

Anonymous said...

Here are a few more. Maybe from before your time though...
My brother, Troy & Lisa (Bradstreet) Wilson
Erin (Fitzgerald) Stephens

Anonymous said...

Roni (& Trevor) Orser

matthew said...

thanks Kristi

I added Natasha & Elizabeth.

I'm trying to decide where to draw the line. Here are some possibilities:

1. Anyone with any connection to bethany?
2. Anyone that ever went to BBC
3. Anyone that went to BBC while I was at BBC
4. Anyone that I specifically remember from BBC
5. Anyone that I actually talked to at BBC at least once
6. Anyone that I considered at least a casual friend
7. Only people I liked
8. Only real close friends
9. Only best friends
10. Only me

Obviously I've gone beyond #10 already, and my best friend from bethany doesn't even blog, so there goes #9. I have plenty on my list that were close friends, and there's at least 1 person on this list that I don't like (mark b). Some people I don't really know at all or don't even remember talking to, so I've gone beyond #4.

I think Level #3 should be the standard line. This site revolves around me (just like the universe) and so, with the annoying exception of Steph I, I draw the line at people who attended or were part of BBC when I attended (99-03).

Any objections? Too bad :)

matthew said...

So...were any of those other links part of BBC from 99-03 :)

Anonymous said...

Cool. Good blogging 'boundaries'. I think that Troy & Lisa Wilson, and Erin (Fitzgerald) Stephens were prob. leaving when you were coming. It would be close...maybe 98 or 99...can't remember.

Roni and Trevor Orser....I'd guess you may have 'crossed paths' with them.....I think they prob. were done around 2000? or something?.....

Sarah Gomez said...

Roni and Trevor were there *my* first year (I only remember this because Roni was friends with my junior year apartment mates)

There is someone that I get to from someone else's blog but I forget who it was...

You should put my Ontario friends on your blog so that I can take them off of mine. Besides you have blogroller and I don't, so it's only fair. Thanks Matthew!

Sarah Gomez said...

Erin Fitz was gone by the time I got there I remember because her brother Fitz always told me that I reminded him of his sister and I'm pretty sure it was Erin but I never met her. But she may have been there your first year.

Robin said...

Well I was definitely there when you were. So you should add my ministry blog: JapanLog. Liz has 2 on there, so why can't I?

matthew said...

fair enough...Erin, Roni & Robin's Japan site have been added

Also, I just found quite a few myspaces, so we'll see about adding those

matthew said...

Also, What do you guys/girls think about a policy that deletes blogs that haven't been updated in 1 year. I like to punish people.

Sarah Gomez said...

haha - one year seems like a fair penalty deserving period

Anonymous said...


Nothing worse than those sloggers........(credit to Mark B.)

matthew said...

If I read the term 'sloggers' 1 more time......

it won't be enough!

matthew said...

By the way....Next Three Blogs to be deleted are....

1. Tim Cook (august)
2. Megan S & Aza B (October)

Although I think Aza has a myspace