Friday, May 26, 2006

No QQ: Theories

For the past 2 days, my Chinese IM (QQ) has not been able to sign in. Because I am still in a blogging rut, I will list my theories as to why this is:

1. QQ is simply down. Sometimes MSN or AOL won't sign in either. Granted, they usually come back in hours rather than days, but maybe this is not so with QQ. Nope, tried a new QQ number today and it signed on right away

2. Something I did to my computer has prevented my QQ program from working. A couple days ago I deleted a bunch of stuff. Maybe I deleted a necessary QQ file on accident. Nope. I have since downloaded QQ onto my families computer and get the same login error.

3. It's possible that China has blocked my QQ number. But why? I'm not sure. Nope, tried another QQ number. UPDATE to UPDATE: Xian Hua Li sent me a new QQ number and it works, so now it seems my QQ number WAS blocked. Hmmm. The other QQ number I tried must have been blocked also I guess. Update to Update to Update: Turns out it was just a minor problem that I can repair on my own now that Xian Hua Li explained what the error message said

4. Maybe they blocked my entire IP address to prevent any/all foreign influence. Nope, used an anonymous IP

5. The last time I was on QQ, I was talking to Xian Hua Li and she said the Wang Ba (internet cafe) might be closed for four days because the government doesn't like the students using the internet so much. Is it possible that the Chinese government shuts down all IM services periodically? Even my friends in Beijing who use MSN haven't been online for 2 days. And they are usually online all the time. Nope, Angel just signed in using MSN. She thinks the QQ service is probably just overloaded.


Anonymous said...

Hey Matt - I don't have aim here in CO (which is gorgeous by the way). I don't know if you read my blog lately... Jake and I got engaged (yay!) and I talked to dad, and he actually wants to do the ceremony, I didn't think he'd want to. So that's the deal with that! K... I'll talk to you later!

matthew said...


Yes, I did read that. Congrats! I was gonna leave a comment on your blog, but I kept figuring I'd see you on IM. How will we keep in touch w/o it? We must find a way!

It's cool that your dad wants to do the service. I hope I still get invited!

matthew said...

I have no problem with your statement that I have never been a god. But to say I've never been close to one...that's a bit of a stretch and goes against all known evidence.