Wednesday, March 29, 2006

The Tall of Laziness

Everyone has a weakness. I think mine is laziness. Sure, I work. I do my job and try to do it well. But in the little things I often feel like a lazy slob. Here are some practical examples of my laziness:
  1. I almost always fall back to sleep after my alarm sounds
  2. I never turn off my laptop b/c it takes 2 clicks
  3. If the TV is on too loud but the remote is across the room, I'm content to be annoyed for an hour instead of taking 5 seconds to get the remote and turn it down
  4. I titled this post the 'tall' of laziness instead of the 'height' of laziness b/c the word 'tall' is shorter (which in itself is kinda funny now that I think about it at 3:56am)
  5. I often ignore my bladder until I have another reason to get up
  6. I have been on 3 walks since I got my iPod Nano
  7. I still can't get myself to put dishes in the dishwasher and not just on the counter
  8. I only shave prior to church services
  9. I am still angry I had to type out the word 'height' in example #4


sibbie751 said...

This post made me laugh out loud. I'm amazed that you blog at all, given all the effort required to type sentences and paragraphs, and then the mental energy required to ensure that your word selection is the most economic use of letters!

Jan said...

10. He leaves the garbage cans out LONG after they have been emptied.
11. He never cleans his once a week shaving mess out of the sink.
12. He doesnt bring his suit coats in from the car after church services- His back seat is like a closet.
13. He always manages to 'have something to do' on yard work days.
14. Theres lots more like his cereal box always being left out, and just basic procrastination on every level
On the upside...He is definately not as lazy as his brother and he is so adorable I cant get mad at him. I think he is taking advantage of that knowledge. ;-)

matthew said...

audrey: I only blog b/c when I'm too lazy to go to bed :)

mom: the shaving mess is never mine. the rest i will admit.