Friday, March 03, 2006

Knew News

1. My new laptop arrived JUST in time. My old one won't even come on now unless I put pressure on the power cord.
2. I just finished making a photostory based on our 30hr Famine. I bet it will be my post for tomorrow. Just wait and see.
3. Next week I am going to be doing a series on 'altar calls'. I've been having lots of thoughts about them lately.
4. I think our church is at a crucial moment. I can tell b/c I sense both God and satan are moving.

1 comment:

matthew said...

1. thanks 2. fair enough, but i don't post till about midnight 3. i bet you can 4. yep 5. yeah, i'm not sure why it dislikes certain people. it must be very discerning.