Thursday, March 09, 2006

Altering the Altar 2

Here's the scenario: An altar call is made. People go forward. They're ready to take a step in their relationship with God. They kneel at the altar and begin to pray/listen. 5 seconds pass. Someone places a hand on their shoulder.

I'm not a fan of this. I love to see people interacting with God. I hate to see them interupted when doing so. I'm sure the motivation for laying your hands on someone at the altar is usually pure. But it just seems like more of a distraction to me than a help.

1 other problem. I notice, in the modern church, a desire to 'control' God's work. We treat the church like an organization instead of as an organism. I think there's a difference. Laying a hand on someone at the altar (and sometimes even whispering a prayer or even interupting them to pray WITH them) seems like trying to organize the Spirit's work.

Just my opinion. What's yours?


Elizabeth said...

I agree with you thought. There are times were it is good to have another pray with you at the alter. and there have been times a prayer from another person was just what i needed.

other times it was a distraction and frustration. or there are times the questions they are asking or what they are praying for me just doesn't fit with where I am at or why I went up in the first place.

my other frustration with this alter call situation is an observation from youth camps, when the laying on of hands was used like a spiritual pick up line. it was just away to get close to a person of the opposite sex.

YouthPastorChic said...

I agree... there is a time to pray with someone but there is also a time when they need to be in tune with God and God alone. When there is someone placing a hand on your shoulder or back, I know for me, I'm wondering who that person is... it's totally distracting.

Good to hear from you Matt!

Sarah Gomez said...

I didn't read your blog cause i'm self centered and only want to find out answers for my own questions today :D So this comment is COMPLETELY unrelated..

You and I need to have a blogspot talk soon. I just started a blogspot for my youth group and HAVEN'T got a CLUE how to do ANYTHING but a straight plain old blog. No links, no lists, no NOTHING!! Please help!!

Anonymous said...

oops. I didn't know realize I was signed in under that name :) Sorry. But I still haven't read your blog :)