Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Altering the Altar 1

The older I get, the less likely I've become to respond to an altar call. When I was a teen, I responded to quite a few of them at camp li-lo-li. The speaker would deliver an inspiring message and then urge us to commit to God. At Bethany I think I responded to a couple in my freshmen year. Maybe 1 as a sophmore. I doubt any as a junior. And I know I haven't gone forward since then at any service. THAT is MY altar history.

Now, before I post for a few days about my view of altar calls, I would love to read about your history with them. Not really your 'view', just your experience. Don't worry, I have no interest in rebuking your experiences, just genuine interest in your altar history.


theajthomas said...

I have never been a major altar user but I'm not sure there has even been a significant shift in my usage but it's probably a bit less now then in high school and college. I go up when I feel the spirit lead me to go, not just when i feel like God is talking to me but when I feel Him say go.

Jo said...
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Jo said...

i'm not a big fan of the "public" alter experience. it is too easy to be patronized when one is at the alter. i've only gone up 5 times in my life, and i don't feel comfortable choosing to do so in any wesleyan-holiness-pietistic environment, for a number of reasons. ultimately, i find it just as beneficial to speak to God alone in my car after a service.