Saturday, February 18, 2006

Random News

Since the word 'random' is pretty much the most popular word in the blogosphere, I figured I should title one of my posts 'random news'.
  1. I just got freaked out (like 3 seconds ago) b/c I'm in the kitchen and I glanced out the window and saw a deer on our deck. But it turns out it's just one of those Christmas light deer with an electrical neck that turns back and forth.
  2. I just lost at Risk (like 3 minutes ago) to my little sister for the very first time. I lost like 70% of the battles. Stupid snake eyes. She is getting smarter too. She used to be pretty dumb, but she had an excuse b/c she was like 11.
  3. I need to be more aggresive in the social realm
  4. The 1st girl I ever kissed just signed on aol
  5. My niece left a sucker in a tiny glass of mountain dew and now it is a really sick color.


Elliott Innes said...

Hey, can you let me know what talkshows you download?

matthew said...

my favorite is Steve Gregg which can be found at

I only listen to that one consistently

Dancin' said...

You're sister beat you?!?!

There is only 1 course of action in a time such as this....


This is no time for mercy.