Sunday, November 27, 2005

#1 Church of God (Anderson)

A beautiful balance of Wesleyan holiness theology and amillennial kingdom eschatology finds its home in the Church of God (Anderson, Indiana). Slightly bigger than the Wesleyan Church, this Church of God is not directly related to the pentecostal churches sharing its name.

The church stresses pietism, loyalty to the Lord instead of denominations, informal worship services, amillennialism, and does not take membership (which... lets face it... causes more harm than good). I can't find anything in the literature that I'm at odds with. It's as if I'm the founder.

I did find a Church of God, Anderson about 30 minutes away from my home and am trying to arrange a visit (which is quite difficult for a full-time minister). We'll see.

Tomorrow I will post churches 6-10 without much description. I didn't want to drag the series out too badly.


Jo said...

i must say i'm surprised that this is number 1. however, i did attend "YolotoGo" [youth look to God] on Wednesday evenings as a kid at an Anderson church, through which I learned a zillion Bible verses....but they also taught me to learn to apply the Bible to my small little life. AND, they were the ones who showed me (from their example) how to make my prayers personal. But the biggest thing I remember was their community service projects and how they visited the old folk's home. Acts of service and visitation (by the laity) is a sign of health.

Dancin' said...

Matthew, this is in reference to a comment made on #2 church.

I jumped ship on denomination because The Wesleyan Church is my fav denomination.

This doesn't mean I think we have it all right and everyone else is wrong.

It means The Wesleyan Church agrees most closely to my
understanding of Scripture.

matthew said...

Thanks Tammy :)

Jo- Sounds like a glowing recommendation to me :)

Dave- yeah, I think Wesleyan theology is pretty awesome as well.

Jo said...

i don't glowingly recommend ANY organization without careful investigation. i was just siting my personal experience, hoping that if it was an anomaly someone else would pipe up and let me know. ;)

Robin said...

I always thought Church of God (Anderson) sounded like Church of "God Anderson"... like God's last name was Anderson... which would make them a strange denomination indeed.

matthew said...

Yeah, I can see someone thinking that Robin.

When I was really little I thought maybe my uncle, Andy Rose, was God.

Andy walks with me, Andy talks with...

He a Rose, He a Rose. Hallelejah, Christ a Rose...

Worked for me