Friday, July 22, 2005

Stupid Kids

Stupid things I believed when I was a kid

1. We have a coal burning powerplant in my town, when I was a kid I believed it was a cloud making factory. 2. I thought old black & white TV shows were colorless b/c color itself hadn't been invented yet. 3. I was sure there was a ghost in the toilet. His one chance to get out was when I flushed. Needless to say, I often ran out of the bathroom 4. For a while, I thought the road moved, not the car. 5. I believed everything far away was supposed to look super blurry

Were you a stupid kid?


Unknown said...

Heh. Cute.

kewpiedoll said...

I was pretty smart but maybe my sister wasn't...she actually thought that you have to buy a new radio every so often for new songs/news because she thought the box plays the exact same thing everytime you open it...

Steph said...

i thought when you turned off the tv the show would stop, but only for a few minutes, if you were gone too long it wold start again (kinda like pause)

I was stupid in other ways, like eating paint chips and moth balls.

Katie said...

I think all of us who grew up here thought the power plant was a cloud making machine at one point in time....

matthew said...

The radio one is logical...being that radio waves are invisible :)

The tv one is kinda strange though. i can understand thinking it stops when you turn it off, but starting back up again w/o turning it on is odd :)

Katie...well, I'm glad I wasn't alone. At a different time, though, I thought it made white crayons and released 'leftovers' into the air. Bet you never believed THAT! :)

Scottie said...

hee hee hee... you had light hair... not sure why that ammuses me... i was not a dumb kid, but i was definately a clumbsy kid... hopefuly that dose not meen that mi stooped faze iz on itz wey...

Anonymous said...

There's a motel near where I grew up called the coach house.For some reason, when I was little, there was a litte while that I thought it was called the cockroach and couldn't figure out why on earth anyone would stay there.

Jo said...

i used to call cemetaries "secretaries" because some older child told me that the dead record everything that happens to the rest of us on earth. i won't tell you my age....i was freaked. but now i enjoy spending time in cemetaries. it's sobering.

Heather Durkee said...

I thought that you paid .25 cents every time you turned the light switch on and off. We were strobe lighting it one night and I think that was what my mom told me to get me to stop. I also thought cracking your nuckles would give you arthritis. Lastly, that you would go blind if you sat to close to the t.v.

matthew said...

scottie...yeah, clumsy is pry a whole other post :)

Steph, do you have something against cockroach infested motels?

Jo...since you won't say what age you were, I'll assume that was up until last year

Heather, those three seem to still be debatable...but I agree with YOU