Sunday, May 29, 2005

Hand Shake Theology

One of my least favorite roles in ministry is shaking hands before/after services. That sounds really mean, but there's a reason I don't like it. People ask good questions in the 'hand-shaking' line, but they tend to want a 1 word answer. Not my favorite situation.

For example, today a great guy (one of my favorites) asked this question in line: "Do you think the rapture will occur in our lifetime?" Well for one, I don't believe in a 'rapture' as distinct from the 2nd coming. Secondly, I don't think we'll see the second coming in our lifetime...but I could tell he wanted me to say yes!

My answer? "I'd guess NO. Every generation thinks they'll see the end and they've all been wrong so far, so I'll play the odds. But you never know!" He looked disappointed. Hand Shake theology just doesn't work for me!

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