Friday, March 18, 2005

Orange Crush

Okay, so my team lost already. It stinks. Actually, it sucks. They didn't play very well and then, just when I thought they were going to win anyways, the other team got red hot. Warrick was very good, but McNamara was horrible pretty much all game long.

Who to root for now? Ummm....Here are the candidates:

1. Arizona-They have a really good 3-point shooter so that's fun 2. Gonzaga-They are probably my 2nd favorite college team 3. Utah-They have a tall guy from Australia, that's cool 4. UConn-They're a rival, but I like the way they play

UPDATE: Replace Gonzaga with West Virginia
UPDATE: Replace UConn with NC State

Since non-basketball fans may find today's post super boring, I'll say something else. Pop (or Soda depending on where you are from) is no longer something I drink regularly. But when I do, I find these to be the best kinds:

1. Root beer
2. Squirt
3. Sprite
4. Mountain Dew


swITCHFUTgUY said...

i can't believe su lost was a sad nite....

o yah and it's syracuse...but you know...close enough :-D

matthew said...

It's west of NY City, so I'm countin it :)

Anonymous said...

you know, here in Arkansas, we call them "cokes" regardless of the brand. Sample sentence: "Ya wanna stop at the store and get a coke?"

I filled out a NCAA college basketball bracket because it's a family tradition that all of the siblings do it, and we see who "wins." We don't win anything except bragging rights, though. I picked Florida to win it all, but I have no clue if they're even still in or not.... I need to call my brother. :D

matthew said...

Well that is interesting that they're all called cokes. I never knew that.

Yeah, Florida is out, but perhaps somehow you'll still win and get to brag for a year :)