Sunday, February 27, 2005

Million Dollar Baby

Million Dollar Baby was the big winner at the Oscar's tonight so I thought I'd share my own review of the film. First off, I believe this movie was worthy of at least one of the awards it received. Hillary Swank was excellent in a very difficult role. I also loved the subtle music that supported the films most emotional moments. The movie is sad...and that's coming from an un-emotional guy.

I don't mind when movies try to get political on me, but I'm not a fan of when they exclusively use emotions to prove their point. And I felt like the ending kind of forced the issue. The circumstances surrounding her injury in the title fight was a little unrealistic in my opinion. This movie was, like Ray, too long.

Rating: 6.8
Status: Worth the Time


Sarah Gomez said...

I wanted to see this movie because I heard something about it. I don't remember what. Then I found out it was about boxing and stopped caring. Then it won 3 Oscars, and now I want to see it again. I'm so superficial.

matthew said...

It's ok. You'll cry.

But that's not saying much.