Tuesday, January 11, 2005

The Last Sermon

Pastor Jack Arnold, 69, died Sunday while preaching at Covenant Presbyterian Church in Florida. His sermon was about heaven. In fact, with his last words he quoted John Wesley: "Until my work on this earth is done, I am immortal. But when my work for Christ is done ... I go to be with Jesus," and then said "And when I go to heaven..." before collapsing and dying of cardiac arrest.

I don't think that's a sermon those Presbyterians will be forgetting anytime soon.


matthew said...

This story got me to thinking....If I knew the next time I preached would be the last time I preached...what would I preach about? If I knew I was going to die in the final minutes of that sermon, what would my last lines be?

Robin said...

Wow. What a way to go.

Thanks for linking to www.skitzoman.com, by the way. Just noticed the banner there.

matthew said...

No problem Robin