Monday, January 24, 2005

Day of Depression

A British Psychologist has declared today, January 24th, the most depressing day of the year. click here to read the story

Here are some reasons:
1. Bad weather
2. Christmas debt
3. Your football team isn't going to the Super Bowl
4-100. Etc.

To quote a pretty funny movie...'sounds like somebody's got a case of the Monday's.'

btw... I just realized this is my 94th post. 94 is my favorite number. Hurray!


Anonymous said...

you know, I think that psychologist is on to something. it makes a lot of sense, as far as how SAD is applied. must've been dreadfully boring putting all that information together though.

Jo said...

sheesh. I guess it makes sense, but I think it's silly to officially label a day as depressing. I happened to have a wonderful day thank you very much mr. hoyty toyty british psychologist. :)

Robin said...

My favourite number is pi.

matthew said...

Meeks...yeah, his formula was pretty interesting

Jo...welcome back :)

Robin...Bet you didn't have a corresponding blog-post though!