Thursday, May 29, 2008

2 New Jobs

I have 2 new jobs

1) Starting this Sunday I will be the 'preaching pastor' of the Lockport Wesleyan Church. This is a very small church that cannot afford a full-time pastor. Since my job at Hess Road is full-time, we came up with a scenario in which I preach and another man from our congregation handles the pastoral care. The scheduling is a little complicated. The Lockport service will be from 9-10am, but I will preach in the middle and then leave (around 9:45) so that I can make it back to Hess Road to teach Sunday School at 10:10. This means I will miss the 8:45 service at Hess Road. So as to not lose connection with that crowd, I will take 1 Sunday off of preaching at Lockport each month. All income from this 'job' will go towards job #2

2) Starting in the Fall I will, once again, be a 'student.' Today I received my acceptance letter from Houghton's new Masters in Theology program. I have to decide whether to take the Monday classes (Wes. Theology, Theology/Faith/Culture) or the Thursday classes (Exodus, Pastoral Care). If the former, I may have to get off the Lockport Carenet Pregnancy Board. If the latter, I will have to change the night of my men's group.

1 comment:

Jecca said...

you are a busy man. i think i'd go with the thursday class because carenet is too important to miss, imo.

good for you, going back to school! i have been considering it a bit, but it's still a long ways away.