Wednesday, April 09, 2008

PC: Sacraments

Chapter 9 of 'Pagan Christianity' was pretty hard to disagree with in my opinion. He was basically pushing for the Lord's Supper to be part of a regular meal instead of a special ceremony and for baptism to be done by immersion immediately upon conversion instead of after a period of preparation. He's against the idea that an ordained clergy must officiate these sacraments. Any believer can serve communion. Any believer can baptize. I have long agreed with these positions.


Aaron Perry said...

I am assuming these questions didn't come up in your DBMD interviews and that your DS does not frequent this blog! :)

matthew said...

I don't remember them coming up in DBMD, nor do I think Pastor Neil would actually object. I am quite willing to work within the system without thinking the system is correct :)

But I would have had no problem, personally, being baptized by a priest instead of a Priest, a minister instead of a Minister. And I would have no problem taking the Lord's Supper led by any believer in our congregation.

Aaron Perry said...

Matt, I posted something on my blog that I'd like you to read. If you have a problem, please email me at ap_bbc at yahoo dot com, and I'll modify it.

theajthomas said...

I think celebrating the lords supper as meal is cool but not a requirement. If we were going to tweak something about the lords supper in the wesleyan church I would pull for frequency not the menu first off.

I pretty much agree with Baptism.

Anonymous said...

I have done something like celebrating the supper as a 'supper' in something called the 'Agape Feast/Meal' which those who are familiar with Chrysallis, Decolores/TEC, and Emmaus Walk will be familiar with.

I affirm that members/believers in the congregation should/could be able to serve communion BUT they should meet certain requirements, just as should the Pastor..rightness of heart, etc..which I wouldn't know how could be 'gauged' as the Spirit only knows our intentions, etc, which kind of brings us to discipleship and the need for a better institution other than the ones I've witnessed in place in most denominations/congregations.

Anonymous said...

welcome to my blogroll, if you have no objections.

matthew said...

Hey Kris :) Any friend of Ben Hur & Derek Webb is a friend of mine. I added you as well in the left column under 'friends' since, as far as I know, you never went to BBC. Thanks for the add!

Dena said...

I WHOLEHEARTEDLY agree! I have long thought that the Lord's supper should be a meal. And I have never understood why you need to be ordained to serve communion. I really don't mind if baptism is immersion or sprinkling, but doing it soon after conversion sounds good to me.

Unknown said...

I agree was well with this idea of communion and baptism. I belive that there are all kinds of different ways of baptism and communion and all have thier purposes and imporaintce.

I also agree that the first change to communiont that should be made in the wesleyan church is frequency.