Saturday, July 21, 2007

Teaching Stuff

My Sunday School class had been going through Luke/Acts, but that series is taking so long that we decided to take a brief break and study Jonah. I've had opportunity to preach AM sermons at the U.M. church (Won't You be a Neighbor?) and at Hess Road on for Baptism Sunday. I'll also be preaching next Sunday on the problem of pain. Sunday nights we've been dealing with social issues (environmentalism, entertainment & abortion), but will soon be getting into a series on the Middle East. My MOST group has been doing topical stuff, but I think I'll take them through my parable series next. On Wednesday nights we've been studying the post-exilic books, just completing Haggai & Zechariah. For men's group (Thursday's) we just completed and overview of 'The Twelve' and will soon begin a series on the armor of God.

What have you been preaching/teaching/studying?

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