Thursday, March 22, 2007

10 Laws of Blogging

I recently had the following conversation:*

Person: Hey, I read your blog, it's great!
Me: Are you saying I should write a book about blogging?
Person: What? I just mean your blog...
Me: Oh, so I should just Blog the Book? You cheapo!
Person: Hey, just forget I said anything, jerk
Me: How bout I just forget you in general (person)

So by popular demand, for the next 10 Thursday's I will be blogging a book.** Each week you can read a very concise chapter. It will closely model the 10 Commandments, except, you know, it'll be about blogging

*The conversation that follows didn't actually happen
**I may get bored with the idea before next Thursday


Jecca said...


Kirk said...

In future I'm totally willing to have completely made up conversations with you to add validity to your posts.

Anonymous said...

Hi, I´m back again,
if you´re interested in Sea & Islands see my site.

Dena said...

I completely appreciate your honesty regarding your possible forthcoming boredom. I will anitcipate reading your book, but not too much, so I don't get my hopes up only to be let down.

Missy said...

i think it is a great idea, and I hope you don't get too bored with it too quickly. :-)