Sorry this is late. This is the last trio of the 1st round of my Gilmore Girls Survivor Series. Logan, Dean, Chris, Emily & Lane have been kicked out of the competition. Vote another character off today and send 2 more into round 2 of our tournament.
Remember, vote
FOR (+1) one character and
AGAINST (-1) one character.

This is a hard choice for me b/c I generally like all 3 characters. I used to really like Marty, but he's acted dumb lately. I used to dislike Taylor, but he adds a lot to the show I think. I've always liked Jackson, but he's not in it very much. Anyways:
This was my easiest choice yet. I am going to put the obvious positive vote for Taylor. Taylor loves the town. He has spirit. He is trying to get rid of the crack house (coffee shop) as well. A big negative to Marty. I find the fact he never uses iambic pentameter appalling and suspicious. I believe Marty is really a spy from Juan Valdez. I like Jackson as well but mainly because of his more talented brother Tito. So I will remain neutral with him and I may or may not take his poster down from my bedroom wall.
For Jackson, because he is such a "good" guy.
Against Marty, because he lied to his girlfriend.
Matthew, I second that about Marty acting dumb lately.
Kirk, I agree with you about Taylor. He is essential to the town and therefore essential to the show. Every town needs a Taylor.
Jackson 2
Taylor 0
Marty -2
Tonight's episode was pretty decent I thought. If I'm understanding the direction of the writers accurately, then I predict this season will end with a surpisingly quick Logan/Rory wedding. Also surprisingly, Luke, not Chris, will give Rory away at the ceremony. Season over. Series over. That is my prediction.
Well, we picked up what amounted to the first 10 episodes of this season at the "pirate market"... actually, it's a store calle "Pink Ducks" in spanish... anyway, so we are about caught up.
I don't get the whole Marty story line, in my opinion, it's pretty boring and badly written. Also not a fan of the new Valley Girl friends Rory has.
As for my votes, its an obvious AGAINST for Marty. He's a tool.
A big ol' FOR for goes to Taylor. I love the guy. He's like Santa Claus on uppers with just a dash of desire for world domination. I like that.
my theory on the marty storyline is that the writers recognized that fans really liked marty. But the writers didn't envision him as a major character in the rest of the series, so they wanted to do something to turn the fans against him. They didn't care much for Marty, so they didn't bother to write a very good storyline for his fall from the graces of the fans
Rory's new friends were very annoying at first to me also, but lucy grew on me a bit. I still think they were just written in as a way to get Marty out. In other words, i don't think we'll see much of them any more. But I could be wrong.
2 jackson
1 taylor
-3 marty
+ Jackson (he's quirky but i enjoy him very much)
- Taylor (he just bugs me!)
I agree, the Marty storyline was extremely disappointing.
3 Jackson
1 Taylor
-4 Marty
how about all of a sudeen ye ole Gilmore Girls fall in love with JESUS??!!! Huh? Huh? :-)
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