Thursday, January 11, 2007

Joan of Arcadia

First, I jeopardized my masculinity by confessing my love for the Gilmore Girls. Now I must admit to watching a second show, namely, Joan of Arcadia. Sadly, Joan and her co-characters only survived for 2 seasons, but I'm enjoying each and every episode I watch. The only reason I watched 1 in the first place was because it airs every night on the HDNET channel, which means I get maximized bang for the bucks (stock profits) I spent on my HD Widescreen TV. But I've seen a dozen or so episodes now and I'm already sad that there are only a couple dozen more.

Joan is a typical high school student except for the fact that she hears from god on a weekly basis. God speaks to her through random strangers and gives her a mission to accomplish. The missions are usually aimed at teaching Joan something about life and/or helping people. The writers weave Joan's mission together with 2 or 3 sub-stories to teach a fresh lesson each episode. In short, I like the acting, the writing, and the music and plan to watch the remaining episodes.

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

I watched watched the first season with a few friends at Bethany. We enjoyed it.