Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Favorite Character

I'm currently teaching through the Christmas Story from various perspectives. Just for fun, I thought it'd be interesting to know who everyone's favorite character is from Scriptures story of the birth of Jesus. Whose role resonates with or fascinates you the most?

Mary? Joseph? The Shepherds? The Wise Men? Zechariah or Elizabeth? Simeon or Anna? Herod? The Angels? The Trinity? Other?


matthew said...

Personally, i find the wise men most fascinating. Perhaps I'll elaborate in a later post as to why.

Anonymous said...

For me, it's gotta be the shepherds. It's just another example of God revealing himself to the ragamuffins.


Jo said...

i'm with elliot on this one--the shepherds: the lowly, the least, the forgotten, the misfits, the hushed, the worker, the unknown, the orphaned spirit, the meek, the essential grassroot people (the backbone of the econonmy and therefore the country). these types of characters always find their place in my heart and in my curiosity.
but i guess the whole family could be qualified as ragamuffin, so i like them all.

Anonymous said...

Simeon and Anna at the temple. They waited so long for just a few moments with the Savior.


Missy said...

For me, it is Mary. such quiet faith. She was willing, and God took her where she had never dreamed of going!

Kelly said...

my favorite character would be Jesus....who doesn't love babies??? And, oh yeah, didn't He save the world, or something like that?? ;)