Thursday, October 19, 2006


Many people have trouble interpreting the prophecies of Daniel, but I have found hermeneutical gold at Alistair (who believes himself to be the Archangel Michael) provides some 'classic' exegesis of Daniel 7 in the following paragraph.
The fourth beast is a dinosaur. A dinosaur was a large reptile (like Satan) and became extinct by asteroid. However, some smaller dinosaur species survived and became birds (angels). So if you're sin is big you get destroyed, but if it is only little, then you can become an angel. The UK is shaped a lot like a T-rex. The iron teeth are probably the industrial revolution and the continuous seeking of knowledge. The 10 horns represent the 10 commandments, the three that fall are the trinity – true religion being thrown to the ground. The “breaking in pieces” refers to the fracturing and weakening of the church into denominations. The one horn is probably me! I'm speaking some great things to convert Christians

I can't wait to read some more of his articles!


Jo said...
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Steph said...


Warrior said...
