Monday, March 06, 2006

Fastest Driver Contest

I recently drove from Baldwinsville to Johnson City. There was 1 problem: Yahoo says that it's a 1 hour 52 minute trip and I had just over 1 hour to do it in. So, as most people would, I drove fast. I left at 5:20 and arrived around 6:28 I think. I don't think I went any faster than 92mph (about 148km/h). I want to know which of my readers has gone that fastest.

*Be not afraid, no police-people read my blog
*miles/km converter HERE


Sarah Gomez said...

You're insane! Were you in a hurry for Heaven or what??? To quote Jeremiah's friend "Someone should kick your ass!"

swITCHFUTgUY said...

dude you were like 20 mins...make that 5mins away from my house :-D

matthew said...

Sarah, there is no swearing on my blog :)

Shane, yes, i saw the liverpool exit and sadly passed by. the church is in liverpool, eh?

swITCHFUTgUY said...

pretty close

S.I. said...

Indiana to New Jersey--11.5 hours. Usually takes my parents or myself 13+ hours. My brother and I drove through the night.

Since I've since gotten a few tickets, I've tried to slow down a bit...I've hit 90 accidently, but my car practically starts to cough up blood, so I know to slow down.

Anonymous said...

Sussex, NB to Eden, NC

Yahoo, Google, and MapQuest all say about 23 hours, and I made it in 19 flat, straight through.

Also, just the other day I made it from Houlton, ME to the "welcome to Saint John" sign in 2 hours flat.

Also, Jeremiah and I were driving somewhere a couple of weeks ago and I got the car up to around 120 mph. Fastest I've ever driven, ever.

Dancin' said...

Tammy I'm impressed with flat out driving.
Meeks, I must say I'm impressed with the Houlton to SJ in 2 hrs.

The fastest I've ever done is 180km/h.

My two best times best time I've ever made were

1. Augusta, ME to Saint Stephens, NB in 3 hrs.

2. Mapleton, ME to Westfield, NB in 2 hours 45 minutes. This includes gas in Bridgewater, a car search at the Boarder(Thanks Matt Hooper!!) and a Tim's stop in Hartland.

Let's just say the backroads are kind to me:D

S.I. said...

I don't know how you guys don't get pulled over. I think this police must have warrants out for me and are watching for me to drive by speeding. I'm still on probation for my last speeding ticket so it doesn't go on my record!

matthew said...

Shane, thanks for the map :)

Tammy, Stephanie, Rob, Dave

Good times, good times. I'm impressed. I want to get past the 100mph barrier, but I guess Im just too afraid of cops behind bushes.

I couldn't really have gone any faster on Saturday though b/c there were quite a few other cars around b/w syracuse & binghampton.

matthew said...

anyways, can anyone top Rob's 120 mph speed???

Dancin' said...

Give me the car & I'll do it.
Emma (my neon) gets the shakes and starts spew coolant at 180km/h (111 m/h). So we stick to 140-160 km/h.

Sarah Gomez said...

I'm making a checklist of who I will *never* drive with... EVER.

You're ALL on it. Personally, i like life. I look forward to heaven, but would like to finish life here first.