Friday, December 02, 2005


I believe there is one true God. God is both sovereign over creation and actively loving toward creation. God is perfect and purposeful. God's power, wisdom, and goodness are without limit. I believe God is One "What" (being) and three "Who’s" (persons). God eternally exists as Father, Son & Spirit.


Aaron Perry said...

could you say more about complex? the Tradition has tended to say God is simple, not complex.

matthew said...

Yeah, I found this one tough to word. I chose complex b/c, to me, the trinity is hardly a simple concept.

While I am trinitarian, I am less dogmatic about it than most. I believe many people in history have been saved without being trinitarian.

I guess I get asked too many questions about the trinity for me to call God simple.

What do you think?

Aaron Perry said...

I am dogmatically Trinitarian precisely because I believe many people are being saved who are not Trinitarian. God's ability to work in the world through his Son by his Spirit is foundational to this belief.

I guess I would say that the Trinity is not a simple concept--but neither is God a concept. God is Three Persons in One Being. So, I would use a different word other than complex; perhaps "beyond comprehension."

matthew said...

I appreciate that perspective and agree.

I find it somewhat difficult to decide whether to write a statement of faith in terms of what I passionately believe or something more generalized for Christianity as a whole. I think I will attempt a more personalized statement.

I am going to try to adjust the wording a bit. We'll see.

Aaron Perry said...

i like the modified version. very cool.