Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Sleep Chart 3

I continue to observe the pattern (I'm not yet truly attempting to change anything, simply experimenting) of my sleep. One more week and I'll have enough data to analyze.

Tuesday 1:30-12:30 (11)
Wednesday 6-8, 9-11 (4)
Thursday 3-8, 9-11:30 (7.5)
Friday 3-11 (8)
Saturday 2-8 (6)
Sunday 3-12 (9)
Monday 3:30-11:30 (7)
Too Little, Too Much, Just Right

The Good- The sleep wasn't all broken up in small pieces like last week. The Bad- I only fell asleep before 3 twice The Ugly- I pledged to exercise 3 times and failed to exercise at all.

This weeks healthy habit: I pledge to not bring my laptop into my bedroom.

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