1) “Hallelujah” is a Hebrew word that means “Praise the Lord”, Chris was misusing the Lord’s name by changing the phrase, and using it in such a flippant and silly way.
2) By not letting Beavis and “that other guy” get saved, Chris was giving the wrong message to people, that God only loved certain types of people.
3) Chris should not refer to Beavis and "that other guy" in a Christian song, for "obvious reasons."
4) Chris should not refer to the Smurfs in a Christian song, because they do magic, and are therefore demonic.
Rice concludes that it's
"just a satirical song about the modern Christian tendency to 'Christianize' everything. I was hoping everyone would get the satire, but they missed the satire, and embraced the song as legit."I'm just so happy that the church has eliminated this evil song from the worship airwaves. I hated seeing all those kids have fun in the sanctuary (hopefully people will understand my sarcasm better than they understood Rice's satire).
I love that song. So does my son.
Yeah, I think it's a very fun song :)
I wish people would lighten up
As a former "Hallelujah song" protester, I need to say, "Get A Life!" If you need to get your panties in a knot, you need to stop wearing panties.
I would further like to make 5 points.
1. Rice does say follow up the Beavis & Butthead (oh no!! I said his name!!) line by singing about how it's our job to praise God, not cartoons. So one could argue he wasn't saying anything against them.
2. I say if the Smurfs got saved and start praising God, who cares about their past.
3. Scooby Doo is a dog with a speech-impediment. He's a dog!! I'd be impressed he can talk. Also, Does this mean people with speech impediments aren't allowed to praise God? Should we not allow children to say, "praise the Lord" or "Hallelujah" until they can say it properly?
4. There's been argument over whether it should be Hallelujah or Alleluia for years.
5. Scripture is very clear that one day all creation will bow and praise God, so the cartoons could be just practicing.
So Screw-Ba-Duba-Do-ya!!
good stuff dave
it is pretty ironic that a song about over-spiritualizing stuff got over-spiritualized
People have GOT to GET A LIFE!! Isn't there better things to do than to pull apart a song that wasn't suppose to be taken seriously! It was suppose to be a stupid, funny song. Call the spade, the spade.
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