Saturday, October 29, 2005


The 2nd giant ISM that has seen its glory days is Calvinism. For better or for worse, the protestant marriage with Calvinism is over. It's getting harder and harder to find someone who actually thinks of God like John Calvin did. And even those preachers and theologians who maintain their faith in the tulip, their followers are practical arminians (Drury pointed that out HERE).

I remember when I was at Bethany, I was kind of ashamed that none of my favorite Bible teachers were Arminian. All the people in ministry that I looked up to were calvinists. But that's simply not the case anymore. I now know many fine biblical thinkers who think calvinism is kinda crazy. Calvinism has been replaced by a 'moderate calvinism' that is practically identical with classical arminianism.


matthew said...

I don't think I was in that class with you. Or, maybe I slept through it.

How's Ohio?

Sarah Gomez said...

I was in your class I think Tammy - at least I do remember the scenario... I was either there or just heard about it :) But I THINK I was there!