Thursday, July 14, 2005

Unnecessary Restraints

A couple days ago I was watching the end of the movie Contact. Some aliens had sent some blueprints to build a space-ship of sorts, but they didn't include a seat-belt (basically). So the cautionary humans added to the blueprint, but when they used the 'ship', the additional restraints busted and proved to be unnecessary. They had good motives, but that doesn't mean it was a good decision. They should have just done it the way the authors intended.

Today I was in a discussion about membership in the Wesleyan Church. See, God sent us a blueprint for the church in the book of Acts, but He didn't include anything like membership as we know it. But us cautionary humans added to His blueprint, and it has brought a lot of problematic situations. We had good intentions, but that doesn't mean membership was a good idea. We should have just done it the way the Author intended.


Alison said...

Amen Matthew, Amen.

And you get extra points for talking about Contact. That's one of my favorite movies.

matthew said...

Yeah, I always think of you when I see that movie on tv