Sunday, July 24, 2005

Marriage Proposal #1

Marriage, as an institution, is doing fine. We should maintain the status quo.

It's okay that...
The divorce rate is around 50%
25% of adults have been divorced
'Christian' divorces are just as common*
Homosexual marriage is increasing**
Some churches are okay with that
It's normal to live common-law now

Do you support Marriage Proposal #1?

*Some statistics show 'Christian' divorce as an even MORE common than average. Evangelicals tend to have a HIGHER rate than mainline denominations. Baptists seem to get divorced most, Catholics the least.
**I make mention of this not b/c I see homosexual marriages as a greater (or even equal problem) as 'Christian divorce', but because early statistics indicate that homosexual marriages result in divorce 3x more often than the already alarming traditional marriage rate. This would suggest that liberalized marriage laws would INCREASE divorce rates.


Katie said...

On the radio the other day I heard that the divorce rate has been dropping, but the number of people who choose just to live together is increasing... Doesn't that prove that we shouldn't "keep the status quo" because as it stands people's respect for marriage is dropping? People see it more of as a long-term dating relationship rather than an eternal commitment.

matthew said...

I would agree. I definitely doon't adhere to proposal #1. (There are 3 more proposals coming).

Anonymous said...

Go Catholics!!!

All they have to do is switch back to the democratic party and I may start going to mass again.

Well, maybe not, but it's the thought that counts.

Persoanlly, I think living with someone before marriage is a great way to avoid divorce.

matthew said...

If one's marriage is based on comfort & likability, you may be right. If it is based on Christ & committment, your system is not necessary or helpful.